Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

A Graceful Gathering: Singles in The Wait Book Review “Whispering Hope”

book reviewOn a very amazing Sunday of 7th April 2024, by the grace of God Disciples Network Single ladies in the wait met together at Hekima Garden to review a novel titled “Whispering Hope”. Disciples Network Singles in the wait purposely prepares the singles who wait for marriage to be virtous, ready and get the right spouses. Building for them spiritual capacity and intimate relationship with GOD. Gathering singles together to share and impart knowledge, connecting to various opportunities, and building each other physically, mentally, and spiritually. The last Sunday gathering joined together the singles to learn multiple issues about marriage and relationships from the “whispering hope” novel.

About the Novel “Whispering Hope”

A very powerful discussion was conducted to interpret the novel’s contents and everyone was able to participate fully through contributing the points. Whispering Hope portrays the greatness and power of incessant prayers to work on solving problems of family pattern and individual pattern problems from past relationships that result in serious marriage problems such as divorce. Youth learned that incessant prayer can change situations.

Resolution after the discussion

After the discussion, the Singles realized that they needed to analyze themselves for their family and individual  patterns and engage in praying incessantly asking God to intervene. They resolved that they would start with prayers dealing with the behaviors influenced by family patterns.

It was declared that from Thursday,11th April 2024 to Saturday 13th April 2024 will be fasting prayers dealing with the behaviors influenced by family patterns.

Join Us in Transformation

The Disciples Network extends a warm invitation to single men and women to participate in the fasting and prayer session for the three days from 11th April 2024 to 13 April 2024 aimed at facilitating personal transformation. These prayers will be conducted at the Disciples’ Network Fellowship Center in Mbezi Beach, Dar es Salaam, and will be  live on YouTube, Facebook and Online Radio. Your presence and participation are highly valued as we embark on this transformative journey together.